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Social Psychology: Data Sets & Statistics

Data Sets and Statistics

  • Campus Sexual Assault Under InvestigationThis project tracks federal investigations of colleges for possible violations of Title IX involving reported sexual violence. It’s the most comprehensive resource to compile relevant information.
  • Centers for Disease Control: Topics ( - Data and statistics on many topics including diseases, alcohol use, reproductive health, life expectancy, aging, injuries, violence, and more. 
  • - Government data on agriculture, climate, consumer, ecosystems, education, energy, finance, health, local government, manufacturing, maritime, ocean, public safety, science, and research.
  • GoogleBooks Ngram Viewer - Graphs how often words appear in the corpus of GoogleBooks (over 25 million titles) over time.
  • Mapping Police Violence - Provides access to the raw data of police violence statistics including victim information, location, cause of death, description of circumstances, etc.  The data is compiled from crowd-sourced databases -- not from official police data sets.
  • National Center for Education Statistics ( - The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.  You can build your own data tables and graphs from their "Data & Tools" section.
  • National Snow and Ice Data Center - Offers data on climate change topics such as glaciers, permafrost, snow, ice sheets, brightness temepratures, and more.
  • National Weather Service - Statistics for all aspects of weather and climate.
  • NYC Open Data - Search for data by agency or category, including business, health, city government, environment, and education.
  • Pew Research Center Topics ( - The Pew Research Center's Internet Project offers scholars access to raw data sets from their research.  You will find data on topics that include politics, social issues, science, technology, policy, and people.
  • PubMed Central ( - a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health
  • UN Department Of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division ( - compiling and disseminating global statistical information
  • United States Census Bureau ( - Offers data sets on population, employment, housing, families, business, education, health, and more.
  • World Health Organization: Data Repository - Data and statistics on global health related issues.