Discovering American Women's History
This database simplifies access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States. These diverse collections range from 1730s to the late 20th century.
Early Modern Resources
An annotated directory of websites "for all those interested in finding electronic resources relating to the early modern period in history [1500-1800]." Can search or browse by topic.
Early Modern Resources - Women
Early Modern Resources - Women provides links to web resources useful for the study of women in early modern Europe and the Americas, covering the period from ca.1500 to ca.1800, with some resources about the medieval period and 19th century.
Foreign Affairs – Premium Content “Features”
(See a librarian for the remote access password)
Foreign Affairs contains discussion of American foreign policy and international affairs, and covers political, historical and economic history. The premium content includes letters from correspondents abroad, reading lists, commentary, essays, and more.
The Historiography of World History
Part of World History Archives, this webpage provides online access to scholarly articles on topics such as Comparative History, Subjectivism and Ethnocentric History, the Methodology of Historiography, and more.
The Internet Modern History Sourcebook
The Internet Modern History Sourcebook is one of a series of history primary sourcebooks. It is intended to serve the needs of teachers and students of modern European history, American history, modern Western Civilization, and World Cultures.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
625 Primary sources of the French Revolution.
Old Maps Online
Historical maps held by libraries and institutes around the world. High quality images.
World Digital Library
Timelines, interactive maps, and over 14,000 primary documents of world history between 8000 BCE to 2000 CE from the Library of Congress.
The World Factbook
The World Factbook is a publication from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and includes country-based information on flags, maps, geography, people, government, the economy, transportation, communication, and defense.