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Children in American History & Culture: Interlibrary Loan

What is Inter-Library Loan?

Academic and public libraries across the country share their collections with other educational institutions. The Dalton School Library can borrow items from other libraries. The items are shipped to us through the mail. Before requesting Interlibrary Loans - please make sure that you have already explored options through the Dalton Library (catalog, databases, librarian labs, etc.) If you still need additional resource, please share the details of the title with us

How does it work?

Who may borrow?

Inter-Library Loan service is available to Dalton students and faculty.

What may I borrow?

Books, journal articles, and some audio/visual materials are available. There is no limit on the number of items, but be sure you have time to use the items before placing a request.

How long does it take to receive the item?

It varies, but items are usually received within one to two weeks.

How long may I keep an item?

It varies, but loans are usually from two to four weeks.

Are renewals available?

It depends on the lender, but usually renewals are available. Please be sure to request a renewal at least five days in advance of the due date.

How much does it cost?

Inter-library loan is available to you free of charge. There are, of course, costs involved in locating, processing, and shipping these requested items. These costs are borne by The Dalton School Libraries, so please be sure you really need an item before placing your request.

What happens if an item is overdue?

In order to maintain our borrowing privileges, we must return borrowed items on time. The universities that lend to us will revoke our privileges if items are not returned on time. Please be considerate of your fellow students and faculty, and help us to maintain good relationships with our lenders. Always return your items at least three days prior to the due date, to allow time for return shipping.