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Free Speech in the US & at Dalton: Speech at Dalton


The following items were discovered in the Dalton Archives.  You can find more using different search terms in the Dalton School Archives: Digital Collections.  For help with searching the archives, contact Mr. Santos at or a librarian.

The Daltonian - Vol. XXXV No. XXI, April 19, 1966


There is a thin line between sensible editing and censorship. . . A short time ago, a small painting by a high school student was removed from the lobby. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVII No. 21, May 10, 1968

To the Editor;

. . .Perhaps The Daltonian is a poor pa­per because the administration is more concerned with Dalton’s "image" as presented by the school newspaper than with allowing the students to voice their opinions. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVII No. 22, May 17, 1968


Editorial The policy of the candidates for editor of The Daltonian on censorship is and should be one of the main issues in the coming election.



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVIII No. 3, October 4, 1968


To be able to voice one's opinion is a great attribute of our society. . .



The High School Student Union

. . .primary func­tion of the union is political, is­sues such as dress codes, newspaper censorship, and student government. . .



The Daltonian - No. 19, March 18, 1971    page 6-7

The Daltonian IS DIFFERENT

. . . conflict between student opinion and administration influence in the publication of student papers . . .



The Daltonian - October 29, 1971


. . . Board of Trustees had made an offer to finance the printing of The Daltonian . . . Last year's editor chose not to accept this offer for fear of censorship on the part of the administration. This year's editors, however, have reconsidered the issue and, after a promise of no censorship from the administration. . .



The Daltonian – 1972

The Blue Flag is alive and well and on the second floor. Mr. Sevastapoulo says that though the Blue Flag committee will continue to produce and to edit the publication, the administration now has the right to censor it. Although he doubts that the second floor will need to exercise this right, “if anything controversial or objectionable comes up, we won't hesitate to censor it.”



The Daltonian - No. 6, January 26, 1973

The Quantum Review

The first major yearbook deadline has passed and with it came administration censorship. . .

The Blue Flag will not stand for censorship! Having been granted funds by the administration to continue publication, the literary magazine is trying to extricate itself from outside control. . .



The Daltonian - No. 4, December 5, 1973

Representatives Meet with Trustees

. . .On the topic of The Daltonian sub­scription, Mr. Barr said that if the cir­culation is widened to include an outside audience, then the paper would be subject to administration censorship.



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVI No. 2, June 8, 1977

Journalistic Independence

For the last issue of The Daltonian, an important article was ex­tensively researched and fully written, but readers of The Daltonian never had a chance to see it. The reason that the article never appeared was that Headmaster Dunnan objected to its publication. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVI, No. 7, May 10, 1978

Taming The Tiger?

. . .The intent of the decisions was to prevent campaign tactics which might prove offensive. . . Despite these well-meaning intentions, such action by the Administration interferes with free ex­pression in an election campaign. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVII, No. 8, April 16, 1979

Interschool Censorship

The recent censorship of an entire issue of the Interschool publication Arachne after it had been printed. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVIII, No. 8, May 9, 1980

Nude Photos Censored (see October 27, 2016 for related article)

Ten photographs of a nude sub­ject which were part of an art ex­hibit run by Ms. Footlick. . .



Dress Code

. . .Another aspect of the issue is that certain rules infringe upon students’ rights to freedom of speech. A Supreme Court ruling stated that no school, public or private, may forbid statements through articles of clothing. . .


Election Rules Rejected

. . .was a reaction to the administration’s recent institution of campaign rules requiring that all speeches and posters for this year’s elections be reviewed by administrators for ap­proval before use. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXVIV, No. 1, September 18, 1980


Censorship of The Daltonian has become an issue already, even before the start of school. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XXXIX, No. 4, March 3, 1981

Op Ed: Computer Controversy Rehashed; New York Magazine’s Yellow Journalism

. . .As has often been remarked by our history depart­ment, freedom of speech and of the press is normally restricted to infor­mation which harms no one. . .



The Dalton Voice - Vol. I, No. IX, 1982

A Common Goal

. . .The administration must understand that it is not the students intent to offend, but to protect the Dalton institution we work in and love. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XL, No. 8, June 7, 1982

Democracy Is Dead

Active intervention in student elections has illustrated the ad­ministration’s unwillingness to allow students any measure of self-­government. . . Students must overcome apathy and disunity before they are again presented with choice censorship as a fait accompli.

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The Daltonian - Vol. XLVI, No. 5, March 4, 1988


On Jan.13, 1988, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 3 that public school officials have broad power to censor school newspapers and other "school- sponsored expressive activities".



The Daltonian - Vol XLVII, No. 3, October 31, 1988

Perspective David Menschel

. . .To prohibit Morton Downey from addressing the Dalton community would be anti-intellectual, closed minded and erroneous. This blatant censorship would deny us the oppor­tunity to consider opinions which deviate from the mainstream. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. XLVII, No. 2, October 13, 1989

Dalton Alumna Writes Letter to The New York Times

. . .even at private institu­tions, requires freedom of speech and access to knowledge. . .



Dalton Connections - Spring 1992

Remembering Dalton 1935-1945 Marian Seldes (’45)

Censorship: When the angels were painted over with yellow paint.



The Daltonian - Vol. L, No. 4, November 25, 1992

To the Editors,

. . .By confusing choices made on the ba­sis of the identity of a publication with censorship, the editors have misunderstood the nature of editorship. . .



Perspective | Samuel Waxman

Political correctness



The Daltonian - Vol. LII, No. 4, January 6, 1995

Choice Words? An Assessment of the Short-Lived Cursing Fine

. . .Any issue which concerns ideals as serious as freedom of speech deserves the attention and consensus of the student body. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LIII, No. 2, October 6, 1995

Editorial …continued from Page 2

. . .forbidding one company from advertising in our publication de­spite its willingness to pay our rates, we are violating the First Amend­ment rights of this organization. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LV, No. 7, June 3, 1998

Administration Censors Students

. . .But three cases of ad­ministrative intervention this academic year have brought into light the question of what is appropriate for public display in Dalton. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LVI, No. 2, September 10, 1998

1999: Year of the Boocock (Interim Headmaster Roger Boocock)

Daltonian: Last year there was a feel­ing within the student body that there was too much censorship by the administration . . .

Roger Boocock: . . .I think those are very real issues and it’s a very complicated mat­ter to decide what, in fact, is ap­propriate, and people have very different opinions.



The Daltonian - Vol. LVI, No. 4, January 13, 2000

The Uncensored Scoop on Censorship at Dalton



The Daltonian - Vol. LVI, No. 7, May 18, 2000


A Response to The Alternative

. . .We do not wish to censor student opinion; however, as editors, we have a moral responsibility. . .



The Dalton Alternative - Year 2, No. 1, October 24, 2000

Censorship at Dalton



The Daltonian - Vol. LVI, No. 6, June 14, 2001

Hail to the Chief

. . .Daltonian: Censorship has be­come a big issue in the commu­nity - do you have any ideas about how to placate both the administration and the student body?

EP (student president-elect Josh Motelow): Censorship is a difficult issue to address. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXIII, No. 5, March 14, 2005

Is Political Bias Stifling Students in the Classroom?

. . .All students need to have the assurance that they can express their views—whatever they may be—without being verbally attacked simply because of political leanings. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXIII, No. 2, October 23, 2006

Web Censorship at Dalton

. . . The issue isn’t censorship but unsupervised access. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXIV, No. 6, February 11, 2008

Diversity of Thought

For a progressive institution, Dalton sure is becoming intolerant. . .

I tried to avoid controversy and went along with what I perceived as unfair censorship. But since my speech—to my knowledge— didn’t have offensive content, it should not have been edited. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXVIII, No. 7, June 1, 2012

Who's Afraid of Prior Review?

Editorial and response



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXXI, No. 5, March 15, 2015

The Silenced Voices in Racial Discussions



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXXIII, No. 2, October 27, 2016

Dalton’s Written Past: Sense and Censor-Ability (see May 9, 1980 above for original article)

“The whole Art Department was very upset about it,” she recalled. Then, she turned to her class of High School students present in the room and asked them what they would think if photo-graphs containing nudity were hung on the second floor today. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXXIII, No. 8, April 19, 2017

. . .Dilemma: Should members of an intellectual institution have the right to censor perspectives disagreeable to them?. . .



The Daltonian - Vol. LXXXIV, No. 4, March 1, 2018

Freedom of Speech

The challenge for Dalton in uniformly promoting freedom of speech and intellectual independence is how to welcome all speakers, but also maintain a community in which all students are valued and respected. . .